
martes, 20 de xuño de 2023

Onda Ti episodio 3

Remata a 4ª temporada de Onda Ti gravada integramente no novo estudio. Neste último programa do curso poderedes escoitar en primicia os audios das diversas seccións do programa e ademais a música do Coro das emocións. Preparados para desfrutar de case 90' de radio?

Proxecto Documental Integrado Galeguízate!

O pasado venres 9 de xuño finalizamos o proxecto coa presentación dos diversos produtos finais de cada aula ás familias na Feira Galeguízate! O luns 12 de xuño os nenos/as puideron ver, escoitar e probar o que fixeron os seus compañeiros/as durante o curso.

Agora é momento de avaliación e pedímosvos a vosa opinión sobre aspectos relacionados co proxecto.


The members of the Bookworms Club also assisted to the farewell party and participated of all the activities there. Besides, we recorded some videos for the final project developed by Lilí, from the BM Os Rosales. It has been a year full of exciting readings and emotions: joy, terror, sadness, surprise... We have been

THANK YOU, Lilí, for making our sessions much funnier with your amazing TikTok videos. Now you can see the final one, where we all have participated. It is fantastic!!! Take a look!!!

Happy summer readings!!!

luns, 19 de xuño de 2023

Viaxes cos libros

O curso remata e queremos compartir con vós algunhas recomendacións de lecturas para este verán. Como en anteriores ocasións están ordenadas por niveis de lectura, desde prelectores ata lectores expertos. poderedes atopar diferentes xéneros en diferentes idiomas, ademais, nesta edición incluímos obras de ficción dixital. Agardamos que vos resulten interesantes!

venres, 16 de xuño de 2023

BOOKLAND CLUB: Farewell party

Today we have a farewell party with the members of all the book clubs in our school. And we are going to be there, of course! It has been a year full of exciting readings which made us feel diffferent emotions: joy, terror, sadness, surprise... We have been IN YOUR SHOES .

A big THANK YOU to our favourite librarian: Lilí, from the BM Os Rosales. She has made our sessions much funnier sending us many TikTok videos, one for each title. Well, now she has just sent us the final video, where we all have participated, and we are really impressed. Take a look!!!

See you next September with more amazing stories! Happy summer readings!!!

martes, 6 de xuño de 2023

Feira Galeguízate!

Moitas grazas polo amplo número de solicitudes para asistir á Feira Galeguízate! do próximo venres 9 de xuño, que superou con moito as nosas expectativas. Esto que supón unha grata sorpresa tamén supón unha serie de cambios no horario dos inicialmente previstos e que xa foron notificados aos correos que nos achegastes nas solicitudes.

domingo, 4 de xuño de 2023


 The Bookworms Club is coming to an end. This school year, we have read the books with different eyes: identifying the feelings of the protagonists, living their lives as ours. Under the title "In your shoes" we started a process last September with different steps:

1. Identification: First, we defined the different emotions and their characteristics.

 2. The broth: Second, we prepared a delicious broth with DNA, mixing "they" with "us".

     3. The key: Then, we kept our emotions in our heart and found the key to understand them all. 

     4. The walk: Finally, we walked several moons in their shoes.

During the way, we also traced the map of emotions, we reproduced the language of emotions, we located their homes and we wrote a recipe to keep them under control. Do you want to see the results?

BOOKLAND CLUB - In your shoes

As you know, the reading project we are developing this school year is related to emotions and feelings. Under the title "In your shoes", we have tried a different approach to the titles. Hence, we have learned the word EMPATHY. Empathy is being able to understand how someone else is feeling, to put yourself in his shoes and see things from his perspective. Well, after many months, readings, conversations and opinions, we are proud to present you our final result: 

"Emotions in colours"

One emotion - one reading - one colour

xoves, 1 de xuño de 2023

ENRE2 EPB seguinte nivel

Segunda sesión de ENRE2 EPB, o club de lectura de ficción dixital, no que nos estamos achegando a obras dixitais que nos fagan pensar e reflexionar sobre os diferentes aspectos que se presentan nos videoxogos.

Así son os Diálogos Filosóficos...

Este curso 2022-2023 os Diálogos Filosóficos na Biblioteca do CEIP Emilia Pardo Bazán estiveron centrados no AUTOCOÑECEMENTO.