
venres, 28 de outubro de 2022

BOOKWORMS CLUB: Halloween horror

Can you notice it? A sweet aroma of roses is in the air and a cold breeze is touching your face... Abigail Cross is in our school library today, but we cannot see her, we can just feel her presence. This is because she is a witch from the past: she lived in the 17th century in the American city of Salem, located by the Atlantic Ocean, near Boston. Have you ever heard of it? It was the home of the witch trials which took place in 1692, a terrible event that shocked its citizens over centuries. Well, this is the set of our reading for October: "Halloween horror" by Gina B.D. Clemen.  Come and meet Kelly and Megan Connor and their three friends. Let´s help them organise the most terrifying Halloween party ever, choosing an abandoned house as the venue. Are you ready for the spookiest story of our club? Come in if you dare...

martes, 25 de outubro de 2022

A amizade nun libro

O 24 de outubro celébrase o Día das bibliotecas, no que se trata de dar visibilidade ao papel das bibliotecas de diferente tipo, e que este curso, co cartel da galega Xulia Vicente, preséntase co lema "BiblioTEcuida".

Desde a nosa biblioteca quixemos celebralo con todo o centro realizando a actividade de "A amizade nun libro", na que alumnado dos últimos cursos de Educación Primaria compartiron lecturas co alumnado de Educación Infantil e dos dous primeiros cursos de Educación Primaria.

martes, 18 de outubro de 2022

Continuamos un camiño iniciado hai anos

O pasado venres a biblioteca presentou á comunidade educativa o novo aspecto dos seus espazos. Aproveitamos a ocasión para que alumnado de 6ºde EP entrevistase á Judith Fernández Novoa, Directora Xeral de Ordenación e Innovación educativa, que respondeu ás cuestións planteadas polos nenos/as no novo estudio de radio.

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2022

BOOKLAND CLUB: Literary picnic

Yesterday we travelled to BookLand for the first time this year, a magical country full of stories, poems and dreams. Once there, we were received with a delicious literary picnic. In a fantastic garden, full of green grass, trees, flowers, birds, butterflies and ladybugs, we enjoyed the most tasteful dishes: the readings we are going to "eat" this school year, a wide variety of titles and genres: adventure, mystery, horror, thriller, love... And to start with, we all read "Dorothy", a poetic story which gave us the chance to talk about our most beautiful dreams and wishes. Now we can say that we are officially citizens of BookLand! Proud to live in BookLand!!!