
venres, 30 de setembro de 2022

BOOKWORMS CLUB: Literary afternoon tea

We are back! Today we have had our first session of the Bookworms Club and it was memorable: we started with the presentation of the readings in an imposing place: the mansion of the Earl of Sandwich, sir John Montagu. Her lovely wife received us in the blue room and offered us a delicious afternoon tea. Nothing was missing: the beautiful china, the tea, some biscuits, cupcakes, fudge, cucumber sandwiches... A real British tea at 5 o´clock!!! She taught us the etiquette for this event and she even told us the story of the sandwiches, invented by her husband one day he was terribly busy. We were a bit reluctant to eat the sandwiches but they were very tasty though. And the meeting ended up with a traditional fairy tale, "The enormous turnip", which transmits the importance of unity and team work. By the way, did you know that the Britons love the turnip and throw away the greens meanwhile we, the Spaniards, do it the other way round? Crazy world!!!

mércores, 28 de setembro de 2022

Clubs de lectura

Este venres 30 de setembro comeza o "BookWorms" dirixido aos nenos/as de 6º EP, máis de 30 alumnos/as están citados coa lectura en inglés na tarde do venres. Como sempre, a teacher Rose ten moitas sorpresas a agardarvos.

luns, 26 de setembro de 2022

Achégase a hora!

Benvidos a un novo curso, no que haberá bastantes novidades. Empezamos por unha que non o é tanto, xa que recuperaremos dinámicas que perderamos hai dous anos, pois este curso será o primeiro postpandemia no que non haberá un protocolo específico para a biblioteca escolar.