
xoves, 30 de setembro de 2021

A biblioteca iza as súas velas

A biblioteca volverá abrir para o alumnado o próximo luns 4 de outubro. Neste curso hai algunhas novidades que iremos detallando nos próximos días.
O equipo de biblioteca está a traballar para que todo estea listo, para que poidades gozar coa vosa visita aos distintos espazos. Estivemos realizando as sesións de formación con cada unha das aulas para recordar as normas, organización, protocolo e resolver as dúbidas que poidades ter.
Queremos aproveitar para realizar unha lembranza de José Manuel, o director do noso centro durante moitos anos, e que faleceu o pasado mércores. Adeus a un gran director!

venres, 24 de setembro de 2021

BOOKWORMS CLUB: "Literary picnic"

Today we went on a literary picnic to know the titles and authors we will enjoy this school year. The weather didn´t help much, but in the end we met around a table at the indoor school playground. Nothing was missing: the checked table cloth, the plates, some flowers and the food, of course: books of different topics and writers. We are going to read the best ones: William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Roald Dahl, Mary Shelley ... We could play some games too: we tried to guess the author by their photo and signature. 

luns, 20 de setembro de 2021


Our Book Club is here again with new readings and a big surprise: this school year we are going to include the students in year 5. Yes! So we will have 2 Book Clubs in English:

- "Bookworms Club": for year 6 pupils

- "Bookland Club": for year 5 students

Get ready for exciting and emotive stories, along with funny and games.

What are you waiting for? Join in!!!