mércores, 30 de xaneiro de 2019
luns, 28 de xaneiro de 2019
Unha maleta chea de sorpresas
O pasado luns Sara e Álex visitaron a a biblioteca para compartir cos nenos/as de 1º de E.P. uns contos que acompañaron coa música de varios instrumentos e coa voz de Sara.
A través dos libros que saíron da maleta compartimos as dúbidas da "Ratiña presumida" (adapatación de J.A. López e con fotografía de Pablo Mestre), acompañamos a "Elmer" (D. McKee) na súa viaxe e, para rematar, cantamos unhas rimas que daban un pouco de medo con "Un, dous, tres, vampiro ti es".
Recital de poesía
O próximo xoves 31 de xaneiro acudirá á biblioteca María, nai de Daniel de 5º de E.P., que fará un recital de poesía relacionada coa natureza para os nenos/as de 5º de Primaria.
Nesta xornada compartirá obras como "Verdedades" de Yolanda Castaño, inspirado nas plantas e os froitos, ademais de "La poesía de los árboles", unha antoloxía de poemas sobre as árbores e o bosque.
domingo, 27 de xaneiro de 2019
"Tusk tusk" memories
As you know, our last session of the Book Club was about Peace. We read and comment on the book "Tusk, Tusk" by David McKee and we did several activites around this topic. Here is a memory of your great job. Take a look...
venres, 25 de xaneiro de 2019
"Tusk, tusk" by David mcKee
January is when we celebrate Peace Day, and that´s why the new reading for our Book Club this month will be the fantastic story "Tusk, tusk", by David McKee. It is a fairly short and simple book, yet it faces many complex issues: prejudice, discrimination, violence, tolerance, difference, ... It is a story about black and white elephants that begin a war against one another. The peace-loving elephants disappear into the jungle as soon as the conflict starts, and the other elephants kill each other. For many years, no elephants were seen in the world, until the grandchildren of the peace-loving elephants emerge from the jungle.