
mércores, 26 de decembro de 2018

A survey for "A Christmas carol"

Would you like to participate in a survey about the last book we have just read? You have 10 questions related to "A Christmas carol" by Charles Dickens. What is your opinion about it? Just click on the image and let me know... It´s quick and easy. Let´s go!!!

luns, 24 de decembro de 2018

Torneo de xadrez

O pasado xoves celebrouse na biblioteca un Torneo de Xadrez na que 36 nenos/as de 4º, 5º e 6º de Educación Primaria participaron neste evento organizado polo mestre do centro Pedro e á que tamén asistiron representantes da Asociación Galega de Xadrecistas.

domingo, 23 de decembro de 2018

Christmas readings

It´s Christmas, a time for wonderful readings. I have some Christmassy suggestions for you to enjoy reading or watching during the holidays. Ready?
Fisrt of all we have a tender story by Raymond Briggs, "The snowman" and its second part "The snowman and the snowdog".  You can enjoy the sweet relationship between a boy and a snowman, and their fantastic trip to the North Pole. 

xoves, 20 de decembro de 2018

Diálogo a través da imaxe

Hoxe na segunda sesión de Diálogo Filosófico na biblioteca, tamén con nenos e nenas de 1º e 2º de E. Primaria, miramos unha imaxe dun xeito inhabitual para apreciar pequenos detalles que usualmente pasan desapercibidos e poder relacionar así as súas partes con todo.

mércores, 19 de decembro de 2018

O nadal é máxico para ler!

Esta é a guía de recomendacións de lecturas para estas datas que fai o Equipo de Biblioteca do CEIP Emilia Pardo Bazán. Todas estas obras están presentes e  á vosa disposición na Biblioteca do centro.

Vós contades!

Esta semana achegáronse á Biblioteca Nerea e Blanca, nais de alumnas/os do centro, para compartir unhas lecturas cos nenos/as de 6º de E.I. e 1º de E.P.

venres, 14 de decembro de 2018

" A Christmas carol" by Carles Dickens

Our reading for this month of December will be "A Christmas carol".
A Christmas carol is a novella written by Charles Dickens and first published in London in 1843. The story is about Ebenezer Scrooge, an old unfriendly mean  man who doesn´t like Christmas at all. It takes place on the 24th of December, Christmas Eve, when everybody is busy getting ready for the Christmas celebrations, except Mr. Scrooge. That night, he will be visited by 3 different spirits: the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Future. They will take him to different places to teach him a lesson. 
Will Mr. Scrooge feel the spirit of Christmas? Will he see the generosity and love of human beings? Will he change after all? 
Here you have a link to a page with the audios of the story and some online activities.

You can also learn more about Dickens´ life watching this video. He is considered one of the most influent writers of all times.

Merry Christmas bookworms!!! 
Let the spirit of Christmas catches you!!!

xoves, 6 de decembro de 2018

Hello bookworms

Hello bookworms!!!
Our Book Club is about to start. The first meeting will take place next Friday, the 14th of December in the school library. Aren´t you excited?
Our first reading will be a wonderful story related to Christmas. As you know, Christmas is the most magical time of the year, full of lights, trees, decorations, presents, mistletoe, candy canes...

domingo, 2 de decembro de 2018

Experimentamos coas cores

VenreXperimentos tivo unha nova xornada o pasado 30 de novembro, no que os nenos/as de 4ºE.P. elaboraron Slime con distintos materiais. A receita que se utilizou combinou auga, goma guar, bicarbonato, activador e colorante alimenticio, tamén aproveitamos para lembrar as cores e a  súa clasificación.